5 Reasons I Don’t Get Freaked Out During an Election Year

  1. God rules in the affairs of men. I vote. God decides.
  2. My citizenship is in heaven. I’m sojourning through this world of kingdoms that rise and fall like the tides towards a city that has foundations whose builder and maker is God.
  3. Our founding fathers gave us a country with a balance of powers so no one person can destroy this country in a few years–it has to be a group effort.
  4. I’d rather spend an hour in prayer or study than the same hour listening to biased talk radio or learning the tip of the iceberg of hundreds of issues that pass like fads. I was a political junkie and news addict for years but it didn’t change anything. I stay informed but not obsessed.
  5. Legislation can criminalize behaviors but not create morality. I’ve witnessed the ability of the gospel to make a holy man out of a wretched sinner and change the immoral into modest, responsible, righteous individuals. Reform begins within.

Author: Rhodes Davis

My passion is analyzing information, exploring ideas, lifelong learning and sharing knowledge with others. I have a wide range of interests and am not easily bored so I approach unfamiliar and diverse subjects with great zeal. I am a business nerd, fascinated by what can be accomplished through innovative companies and people who want to change the world. My faith is very important and I enjoy opportunities to share my observations and study insights through teaching and writing. I follow the simple teachings of Jesus and try to reflect His glory in my life. I work with young people on applying the teachings of Jesus to their unique challenges and opportunities. "Curiosity keeps taking us down new paths." - Walt Disney