Don’t Leave The Lord When You Leave Home

Father and son unpacking car for college

When a young person moves away from home for college, work, or to join the military it is often the first time a young person takes complete responsibility for attending worship service and serving God publicly. In truth, a person always has responsibility for their spiritual life but at home the parents or guardians exercise more control and direction than will be the case away from home.

Be Faithful in Worship to God

The Christian should always give God the honor and worship that He deserves. One way a Christian does this is by assembling faithfully with a church and sharing in the work of the local group. This responsibility is described in Hebrews 10:23-25:

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. (ESV)

Worshiping faithfully recognizes God’s goodness and need to encourage others. When moving away from home, each person takes personal responsibility and self-direction for attending worship.

  • When you move out from home you will not have parents coming in to wake you up in the morning and taking you to services.
  • You will be responsible for making sure that you plan to go in the first place and get up in plenty of time to eat, dress, and arrive before time to start.
  • You will be responsible for getting your Bible lessons and making sure that you are there for each service.
  • You will be responsible for not staying up so late on Saturday night that you sleep in on Sunday or are asleep in the assembly.
  • If there is a congregational meeting, you are part of the congregation and should attend.
  • Young men: if there is a men’s meeting, you are expected to attend and have a voice in what is done or, at least, to listen and learn.
  • You are expected to be there for the nights of the gospel meeting and the work that the church does throughout the year.
  • You need to find a place to worship and let them know that they can depend on you to be a part of that church and its work.

Make A Difference Where You Worship

When you are a part of the local work you can help build up the group. In 1 Timothy 4:12-16, Paul urged Timothy to:

  • Be a good example in your speech and conduct
  • Give attention to building up your Biblical knowledge
  • Use your gifts and abilities for the building up of the local church
  • Immerse yourself in the life of Christ and let it shine through you
  • Guard yourself so that you are not drawn away to ungodliness

When I went to college in another state and attended a local church, it hit me one day that the people at church didn’t know my mom or sisters. Everything they knew of me was by my own responsibility and participation. Always remember, you are not there as your parent’s child or of a group called “college students” or “young people’s group;” you are a Christian and you should take responsibility to do what you can do to help the growth of the church.

Faithfully Attend Worship Services

Do not allow yourself to begin missing services. Sometimes people do this when working late or studying late into the night. Perhaps after a late night with friends you hit the snooze saying, “I’ll skip Bible class and go to worship service” eventually saying, “I’ll skip this morning and go to the assembly tonight.”

This is a bad habit that can lead you to drift from a close relationship with God and His people. Such behavior makes you weak and vulnerable. A sheep that wanders from the flock is vulnerable for being attacked and taken away by a predator. Similarly, the Christian who drifts away from his brethren can be easily drawn into the world and the jaws of Satan, the lion who seeks those he can devour (1 Peter 5:8-9)

Give Financially To Show Gratitude To God

Another important habit to continue as you start your life is to give financially as you prosper to show thankfulness to God. Proverbs 3:9-10 advises believers to “Honor the LORD with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce.” We honor God when we give back to the work of His kingdom from the money we have earned. The amount you give may not be great as you work through college and begin your career, but give something from what you earn as thankfulness to God and sharing in the work that the local church does for the glory of God.

The proper attitude of giving, described in 2 Corinthians 9:6-12, requires that we give cheerfully of what we have received recognizing that we are sharing in the good work of God.

When you move from home you have a great opportunity to grown in your faith and to take your place, independent from your parents, as a faithful active member of the church.

Other Articles in this series:

Author: Rhodes Davis

My passion is analyzing information, exploring ideas, lifelong learning and sharing knowledge with others. I have a wide range of interests and am not easily bored so I approach unfamiliar and diverse subjects with great zeal. I am a business nerd, fascinated by what can be accomplished through innovative companies and people who want to change the world. My faith is very important and I enjoy opportunities to share my observations and study insights through teaching and writing. I follow the simple teachings of Jesus and try to reflect His glory in my life. I work with young people on applying the teachings of Jesus to their unique challenges and opportunities. "Curiosity keeps taking us down new paths." - Walt Disney